At present ISIC “WESTA” operates 2 state-of-the-art battery production plants manufacturing automotive SLI lead-acid batteries: "Westa-Dnepr" and "WESTA INDUSTRIAL", with daily production capacity of 21,200 units or annual capacity of 7,600,000 conventional batteries. WESTA’s plants are modern enterprises equipped with high-technology production facility, which, in some cases, may be considered unique. Operation of the major part of this equipment is controlled by computer technologies, which allows ensuring the quality control over the products.
“WESTA-Dnepr” |
“WESTA-Dnepr” - a modern high-technology starter storage batteries manufacturing plant. The total area of industrial premises makes more than 31,000 sq.m. As of today the production capacity of the plant makes 3,6 million conventional batteries per year.
“WESTA INDUSTRIAL “ - state-of-the-art plant with the production capacity of 4 million conventional batteries per year which technological level of industry and technologies applied has no analogs not only in the CIS countries, but also in Europe. Except of the starter storage batteries the plant will produce VRLA batteries with AGM-separator having a wide spectrum of application, as for the newest with growing popularity automobile systems START/STOP, so and as traction batteries, and also stationary power stores. The total area of industrial premises of the plant makes more than 31,000 sq.m. |
“Promishlennie Energeticheskie Sistemi” |
“Promishlennie Energeticheskie Systemi»- a commodity-raw logistic complex which is a part of ISIC “WESTA” that includes specialized warehouses with the total area of more than 12,000 sq.m. and transport. “Promishlennie Energeticheskie Systemi» serves “WESTA-Dnepr” and “WESTA INDUSTRIAL” and provide storage, sorting, loading-unloading services for the production, raw materials and components. |

5,Pisargevskyy Street, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine