After disintegration of the USSR all storage battery plants remained outside of Ukraine. Independent Ukraine experienced a significant shortage of storage batteries – they were imported often with unsatisfactory quality and without guarantees of the manufacturer.
In the early 90’s the group of scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine led by Viktor A. Dzenzerskyy put forward an initiative on the creation of domestic storage battery manufacture. Consequently Viktor A. Dzenzerskyy offered a concept of creation and development of a new industry in Ukraine on manufacture of lead-acid starter storage batteries, at first slightly-maintenanced and then sealed. The idea received support in the academic circles, local and central authorities.
- 1992 - Viktor A. Dzenzerskyy establishes a JSC "ISTA" within the bounds of the concept on creation and development of a new industry in Ukraine on manufacturing of the lead-acid starter and industrial storage batteries.
- 1994-1995 – construction and putting into operation of the first storage battery manufacturing plant in Ukraine – JSC "ISTA-CENTER" with the production capacity of 1,3 million starter batteries per year.
- 1997-2001 – establishment of the scientific industrial corporation "ISTA" which becomes the base for designing and construction of the second storage battery plant on the manufacturing of the “heavy” group of the batteries (LLC DOZ “Energoavtomatika”) with the production capacity of 1 million units per year, and a plant on processing of the used storage batteries, recycling of wastes and lead breakages to lead and lead alloys (LLC "Ukrsplav") with full capacity of 30,000 tons per year.
- 2001 – together with new shareholders CJSC “ISTA-Centr”, LLC DOZ “Energoavtomatika” and LLC “Ukrsplav” enter into a National Storage Battery Corporation (NSBC) «ISTA».
- End of 2001 – specialists of the company led by Viktor A. Dzenzerskyy participate in the design development of modernization and manufacture expansion on Kursk storage battery plant (Russia). The result of work was a new storage battery plant LLC “ISTOK” based by the group of the Russian shareholders and put into operation in 2003 with the production capacity of 1 million starter batteries per year.
- 2002 - establishment of the СJSC "WESTA-Dnepr" which becomes the headquarters plant of the International Scientific and Industrial Corporation (ISIC) "WESTA" . It was created within the framework of the realization of a large-scale innovative project of nation-wide significance «Development and manufacture of the newest independent integrated systems of power supply with the use of solar power systems, wind-turbines and energy-storage devices» and becomes its executive. The project has passed a complex state expert examination, and by the enactment of the Cabinet of Ukraine in 2002 was acknowledged as «priority-oriented and especially important for the state».
- 2003 – participation in balancing and commissioning works, training of the personnel and startup of new storage battery plant Uzbeksko-American joint venture "Uzekside" Dzhizak (Uzbekistan) with the production capacity of 1 million starter storage batteries per year and a total area of industrial premises of more than 13,000 sq.m.
- 2003 – establishment of the trade and purchasing company LLC “Tehkomplekt” (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine) which becomes a part of ISIC “WESTA” on the basis of which the creation of storage batteries sales departments, recruiting and personnel trainings take place. Starting from 2005 LLC “Tehkomplekt” takes upon service functions on providing CJSC “WESTA-Dnepr” with components and raw materials delivery and starts an active sales and promotion of the products to the target markets (Ukraine, Russia, the CIS countries and Europe).
- 2004 - establishment of a commodity-raw logistic complex LLC “Promishlennie Energeticheskie Systemi» (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine) which becomes a part of ISIC “WESTA” and includes specialized warehouses with the total area of more than 12,000 sq.m. and transport. From 2005 LLC “Promishlennie Energeticheskie Systemi» starts to serve CJSC “WESTA-Dnepr” and provide it with storage, sorting, loading-unloading services for the production, raw materials and components.
- 2005 – putting into operation of a modern high-technology starter storage batteries manufacturing plant CJSC “WESTA-Dnepr” (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). The total area of industrial premises makes more than 31,000 sq.m. As of today the production capacity of the plan makes 3,6 million conventional batteries per year.
- 2006-2008 –ISIC “WESTA” specialists participation in design development of modernization and manufacture expansion on Public Company “Ryazan plant on the manufacturing and processing of nonferrous metals" (Ryazan, Russia) – the largest manufacturer in Russia of lead alloys, tin-lead solders and stibium production. The result of such work became the launch of the newest equipment complex with increase of full capacity up to 40,000 tons of lead and alloys per year. The total area of industrial premises of the plant makes more than 30,000 sq.m.
- 2008-2010 -ISIC “WESTA” specialists construct and put into operation state-of-the-art plant “WESTA INDUSTRIAL” (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine) with the production capacity of 4 million starter storage batteries per year which technological level of industry and technologies applied has no analogs not only in the CIS countries, but also in Europe. Except of the starter storage batteries the plant will produce VRLA batteries with AGM-separator having a wide spectrum of application, as for the newest with growing popularity automobile systems START/STOP, so and as traction batteries, and also stationary power stores. The total area of industrial premises of the plant makes more than 31,000 sq.m.

5,Pisargevskyy Street, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine