Production technology

Automotive batteries produced by “WESTA-Dnepr” and “WESTA INDUSTRIAL” show  
high rates of engine dry starting current, low water consumption and low speed of self-discharge,  
high fail-safety, enhanced starting properties and durability, enhanced freeze resistance; reliable  
in severe applications. All types of batteries produced at WESTA-Dnepr are equipped by  
facilities to guaranty their ecological and explosion safety.
The operational data of batteries produced at “WESTA-Dnepr” and “WESTA  
INDUSTRIAL” conform to the requirements of the European standard EN 50342 and Ukrainian   
national standard DSTU GOST 959:2006. The batteries have the best rates of water consumption  
and self-discharge among the European products.


WESTA «WESTA» International Scientific Industrial Corporation
5,Pisargevskyy Street, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine