The forming process is monitored by the automatic quality control system, which is able to detect, recognize and eliminate technological deviations, if they can influence the quality of batteries. Apart from the testing systems, patented by the specialists of the corporation, an international system of quality control ISO 9001:2000 is implemented too.
In the end of the forming process all batteries are 100% quality tested by heavy current discharge according to additional plants patented criterion. Quality control system is able to detect minimal deviations in the battery construction or defects, that were missed at the previous stages of production. After such strict selection the probability of errors in battery operation practically amounts to zero.
- Laboratory control of raw materials and components.
The main chemical-analysis laboratory of the plant conducts quality control of raw materials and components, as well as the products of technological redistribution. The laboratory consists of two halls, for chemical and physical (spectral) analyses.
The hall for performing the physical (spectral) analysis is equipped with the following equipment:
- spark vacuum spectrometer ARL 3460 (Switzerland), which is designed for an express analysis of lead and lead alloys with the certified method on 14 cells;
- spectrometer with inductive-coupled plasma IRIS Intrepid ІІ XSP DUO (USA), with the certified method on 18 cells, designed for quality control of the process water, acids, electrolytes, metal alloys, etc.
All the auxiliary equipment to perform analyses (vacuum and drying box, a centrifuge, a muffle furnace, a balance, titration cells, etc.) are produced by well-known companies of the USA, Germany, Switzerland, and that provides a high accuracy of the analyses.
Such a complete set of the laboratory allows completely covering the requirements for control of the whole manufacture.
- Laboratory quality control of the finished products.
The laboratory of electro technical tests (LETT) carries out quality control of finished products and performs all the electro technical, mechanical and climatic tests of automotive batteries, which are foreseen by the regulatory documents in force both in Ukraine, and by he foreign standards.
The laboratory is equipped with all the necessary and the most modern German equipment, in particular:
- charge-and-discharge devices and powerful dischargers of company “Digatron”, which work with control of a specialized computer program BTS-600. This program permits to carry out the task of test programs in an automatic mode, as well as fixing and an analysis for short time intervals of the received results of testing the battery;
- climatic chambers and baths, which permit to realize test temperatures from -50°С up to +100°С;
- a complex of the equipment for mechanical tests (a vibrating electrodynamics bench and tensile machines).
LETT staff is made by employees with an operational experience in the sphere of tests for chemical current sources of 12 years.

5,Pisargevskyy Street, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Web: http://westa.com.ua