After the dissolution of the USSR all accumulator factories remained outside the Ukrainian territory. The sharp deficit of accumulators was felt in Independent Ukraine –they were often imported in an unsatisfactory condition and without lifetime warranty of manufacturers.
At the beginning of the 90-ies, a group of scientists of the Academy of Science of Ukraine under the leadership of V.A Dzenzerskyy came forward with the initiative to set up a domestic accumulator production. Later on V.A Dzenzerskyy has offered the concept of creation and development of a new industry in Ukraine based on manufacturing of the lead-acid starter and industrial batteries: low-maintenance on the first step of the project and maintenance-free on the next ones. All batteries were designed with a glance to the European and global experience in this field. This idea got an encouragement in academic circles, as well as at the level of local and Governmental authorities. Economic crisis that stroke Ukraine at the beginning of 1990-ies, did not allow using budget funds.
According to the decision of the Deputy Director of the bank «Ukraine» Victor Yuschenko, this institution was the first commercial bank that provided financing for the construction of the first Ukrainian accumulator factory in Dnepropetrovsk.
ISTA PlantIn 1992, V.A Dzenzerskyy organizes JSC «ISTA» with the purpose to set up the first accumulator factory with the production capacity of 1.3 million batteries a year. Construction of the factory has begun in 1994 and in autumn 1995 the factory JSC «ISTA-Center» has been put into operation.

ул. Пісаржевського, 5 м. Дніпропетровськ, 49005, Україна
+38 (056) 370-21-88, 370-22-03, 770-00-81