ISIC WESTA took part in the international forum “Environment 2011”
19 - 21st of April, 2011 the International ecological conference «Environment for Ukraine» took place in Kiev. The main goal of the forum was the illumination of the problems and operating time of Ukraine in the field of surrounding environment protection, cooperation expansion in this direction with the nearest neighbors, including European and world community.
International Scientific Industrial Corporation “WESTA” participated in the Forum «Environment 2011» carried out within the limits of the International Conference.
“WESTA” exhibition stand presented projects of its own engineering developments on the creation of non-polluting systems of power savings, with alternative energy sources use.
ISIC “WESTA” was granted with the Diploma of the participant of the exhibition.
21 April 2011

5,Pisargevskyy Street, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine