Operating instructions
- 1.1 1.1 Lead-acid automotive batteries with nominal voltage 12V (hereinafter - the battery) is produced according to the requirements of GOST 959, EN 50342 with regard to technical characteristics of the particular type of battery and is intended for start-up of engines and power supply of electrical equipment of passenger cars and tractors.
- 1.2 1.2 Battery is supplied to consumers filled with electrolyte and charged.
- For the filling and operation of battery a solution of a sulfuric acid (GOST 667) in the distilled water (GOST 6709) is applied. The density of the filled electrolyte at the t 25 °С, as well as the density of electrolyte in completely charged battery shall be 1,28±0,01 g/cm3.
- 2.1 ATTENTION! The mix of hydrogen with air is explosive. Do not smoke, do not use open fire near the battery, do not allow spark formation, including short circuit of batteries' poles.
- Long-term experience of battery operation in all countries helped to work out one more recommendation: in dry weather it is recommendable to abstain from approaching to the battery for at least one hour after a long trip or during recharge made by charging devices in the clothes that contain wool or synthetic fibres. Electrostatic discharge of energy accumulated on the clothes and body is possible. It is advisable to take off the charge from the body (clothes) and from the battery box by covering the battery with wet rag for a short time. ATTENTION! Avoid the contact of rag with battery poles.
- 2.2 2.2 ELECTROLYTE is an AGGRESSIVE LIQUID. In case of contact with unprotected parts of body immediately flush them with water and treat with 10% household soda solution. Consult a doctor if necessary.
- 2.3 2.3 The battery shall be started up and out only with non-running engine and disconnected power consumers (switched off charging device).During this process first connect positive pole, then negative one. Battery shall be disconnected in reverse sequence.
- WARNING! Do not hit the poles and cable tips during connection and disconnection of the battery as it can lead to circuit failure.
- 2.4 2.4 Connection terminals of the wires shall be tightly fixed on the battery poles, while the wires themselves shall be loose.
- 2.5 To avoid injury during the work with the battery and near the battery please follow warning and safety signs on the lid of the battery box.
![]() No smoking, keep away from open fire and spark sources |
![]() Caustic / corrosive |
![]() Work in safety glasses |
![]() Obey an instruction |
![]() Keep away from children |
![]() Look out! Risk of explosion |
![]() Recycling symbol |
![]() Lead |
- 3.1 Before the installation of the filled battery on the transport vehicle or before storage check the density of electrolyte. If the density of electrolyte is below values stated in p.1.2., for 0.03g/sm3 and more or density in the cells of the battery varies for more then 0.01 g/sm3, the battery shall be charged according to pp.3.3 -3.5.
- ATTENTION! Flame arrestors and ventilation devices built into the plugs may be applied in the battery of this design. At the manufacturing plant these plugs are installed in the middle (no. 3,4)cells of the battery. They differ from the rest of plugs - there is a gas-outlet hole in the center of plug and they are of different color.
- Before operation check the presence of these plugs and absence of the dust in the gas-outlet holes.
- Warning: during the operation of the new battery it is RECOMMENDED to make the first check of the electrolyte level and density after 100km run, as it is possible that after the charging of the battery at the manufacturing facility gas bubbles remained in the pocket separator. Due to the vibration during the moving of the transport vehicle the gas goes out of the pocket separators through the ventilation holes of the battery, which can lower the level of electrolyte in the battery.
- If during the test by means of glass tube it turns out that in one of the battery cells or in all of them the level of electrolyte is below normal, and the density of electrolyte corresponds to standard, the electrolyte shall be filled in till the normal level mentioned in p.4.6 is reached.
- 3.2 If the battery design supposes installation of the charge and electrolyte level indicator, the following notes on the label shall be taken into account:
- Green with red circle in the centre: «Normal charge» - the battery is charged over 65%. Electrolyte level is normal.
- White with red circle in the centre: "Battery shall be charged" - the battery is charged less then 65%. Electrolyte level is normal. The battery needs additional charging.
- Red with black circle in the centre: "The battery shall be charged immediately" - the battery is charged at 50%. Electrolyte level is normal. The battery needs immediate additional charging or shall be replaced.
- Red with white circle in the centre: "Distilled water shall be added" - electrolyte level is below normal. Add distilled water.
- 3.3 Battery shall be charged in well ventilated room by current (in amperes), equal to 10% of the nominal capacity (for example: 6.OA for the battery with nominal capacity 60Ah).
- ATTENTION: when 14.4V voltage on the battery pole terminals is achieved, the charging current shall be decreased twice and the charging shall be continued till the constant voltage and density of electrolyte is achieved (mind the temperature). The charging shall be made during 10 hours (till the battery is completely charged). Generally the time of charging depends on the level of discharge.
- 3.4 In the process of charging THE HEATING OF ELECTROLYTE SHALL NOT EXCEED 45 °С, otherwise the charging process shall be stopped till the moment when the electrolyte temperature tails to 35 °С.
- 3.5 When the charging is completed, the level and density of electrolyte shall be checked. If necessary, the level of electrolyte shall be adjusted according to the data mentioned in p. 1.2. The value of the density in the battery shall not vary for more then 0,01 g/sm3. Increased density shall be adjusted by filling distilled water.
- In the process of adjustment of the density and level of electrolyte the battery shall be charged during 40 minutes under 15-16V voltage for intensive mixing of electrolyte.
- The level of electrolyte shall be corrected according to the data mentioned in p.4.6.
- 4.1 The battery shall be equipped and fixed on the transport vehicle according to this manual. Poor fixation of the battery leads to its mechanical damage, deterioration of the electrodes and short circuits.
- 4.2 Battery shall be kept clean (shall be wiped with rag dampened with weak alkaline (sodium) solution.
- 4.3 Pole terminals shall be cleaned up and oiled with thin layer of petroleum jelly.
- 4.4 Engine shall be started up with gear selector in neutral position or the clutch disengaged for not longer then 10-15sec. with minimal 1 minute intervals. If after five attempts the engine failed to start-up, the engine start-up system shall be checked.
- Long reiterative attempts of start-up the engine with no result lead to intolerably deep discharge of the battery.
- 4.5 INCOMPLETE CHARGING OR RECHARGING OF THE BATTERY IS NOT ALLOWED. The voltage of recharge from generator shall be in compliance with value stated in the manual for the transport vehicle (14,2 ± 0,3) V.
- 4.6 ATTENTION! In the process of battery operation the level of electrolyte shall remain in the range between minimal and maximal values.
- Minimal level (depending on the battery design) of electrolyte covers the top edge of the separator for at least 15 mm or is at least 5mm below terminal bridge (if the terminal bridge is located right beneath the filling hole).
- Maximal level depends on the battery design and has special indication on the side surface of the battery. If there is no marking of electrolyte level, maximal level shall be considered the one 10 mm higher than the minimal level, i.e. 25mm or 15mm respectively. In case electrolyte level is below minimal (15mm from the edge of separator or 5mm from the terminal bridge), distilled water shall be added.
- Filling of electrolyte is not allowed, except for the cases mentioned in p.3.1.
- Distilled water shall be filled after complete charging of the battery following the instruction below:
- remove plugs;
- measure the level of electrolyte (for example with the glass tube). Depending on the battery design, either the edges of the separator or the bridge of semi-block of electrodes shall be taken as a base;
- fill distilled water till the maximal level (4.6);
- screw down plugs;
- make the leveling charge of the battery to mix the electrolyte (3.3).
- Do not exceed the top limit of electrolyte level, as it can lead to electrolyte spillage through degassing channels. In the cold season the distilled water shall be filled in the warm place with subsequent charging.
- 4.7 The battery shall be kept charged. Density of electrolyte shall be checked at least every 6 month. If the density decreased on 0.03 g/cm3 and more, the battery shall be charged as prescribed in p.3.3 - 3.5.
- 4.8 Owners of the cars with mechanical voltage control group relay shall check car-system voltage regularly (at least every 3 month).
- Attention! In case of voltage over 14.5V and high under-hood temperature the battery overcharge and increased water consumption take place; if the voltage is below 13.9V, the engine is started up often and the mileage is insignificant (especially in winter), a systematic incomplete charging occurs.
- 5.1 The batteries are transported in covered transport vehicles that provide protection from mechanical breakages, dust and sun. Batteries are transported and stored in vertical position, pole terminals upwards.
- 5.2 Batteries shall be stored completely charged. Density and level of electrolyte shall be checked at least once a year. If the density decreased on 0,03g/cm3 and more, the battery shall be charged as mentioned in pp. 3.3 - 3.5. The level of electrolyte shall be adjusted with distilled water. Do not top up the electrolyte.
- It is recommended to store batteries in cool places, apart from heating devices.
- 6.1 The manufacturer guarantees that the battery quality is in conformity with applicable standards on condition that the battery is duly operated, transported and stored and the electrical equipment of the transport vehicle is in working order.
- Warranty period for the battery is 24 month, on condition the mileage of the transport vehicle doesn't exceed 75.000 km or 2.500 motor hours, as the case may be. Warranty period starts from the date of battery production.
- For particular types of batteries with specific design the warranty period is 36 months, which is indicated on the battery's label. This warranty period is given on condition that the mileage of the transport vehicle doesn't exceed 75.000 km or 2.500 motor hours and the battery is timely serviced in the regional service centre or at the official dealer's facilities.
- Warranty period for the battery installed in taxi (taxi buses) is 12 month.
- ATTENTION! It is recommended to make after-sales service of the battery in the regional service centre or at official dealer's facilities every 6 month with indication of the service check date in the guarantee card.
- 6.2 The following service is provided during the warranty period: professional advice regarding operation and charging of the battery, battery state control, adjustment of electrolyte level and control over charging voltage of the battery installed in the car.
- 7.1 If some defect of the battery was detected, it is necessary to bring the battery to the official dealer (seller) and to show him the guarantee card and the passenger car where the battery was installed. Alternatively it is possible to file the complaint to the manufacturer together with guarantee card and written application containing the essence of the complaint.
- 7.2 Complaints are not satisfied in the following cases:
- 7.2.1 There are no documents required for filing a complaint.
- 7.2.2 Marking on the battery is not in line with the data mentioned in the guarantee card.
- 7.2.3 Battery is mechanically damaged; it has been either opened or repaired.
- 7.2.4 Battery was either not fixed or poorly fixed in the transport vehicle, which caused vibration and resulted in the deterioration of plates and leakage of battery.
- 7.2.5 The battery is brought to the service centre without electrolyte or with electrolyte below normal level.
- 7.2.6 The density of electrolyte in the charged battery (in two or more cells) is over 1.31g/cm3.
- 7.2.7 The battery is discharged, i.e. the density of electrolyte is below 1.20 g/cm3 at the temperature from 15 °С to 20 °С in three and more cells of the battery.
- 7.2.8 On the ventilation holes of the plugs (after 6 month of operation) there is a dark brown bloom, and the dark-brown depositions are observed in electrolyte, which evidences the systematic recharging of the battery.
- 7.2.9 Presence of unwanted chemical elements and various additives in the battery's electrolyte.
- 7.2.10 Refilling with non-distilled or dirty water, which leads to self-discharge of the battery.
- 7.2.11 Ventilation holes of plugs are blocked up with dirt.
- 7.2.12 Charging device of the car is broken.
- 7.2.13 The chosen automotive battery does not fit to the transport vehicle.
- 7.2.14 Use of additional power consumers, which leads to constant discharging of the battery and, consequently, premature wear.
- 7.2.15 The traces of partial melting on the pole terminals and box of the battery, which evidences poor quality of contact between cables and battery terminals or shirt circuit.
- 7.2.16 Explosion of the battery without open failure.
- 8.1 Worn battery, taking into consideration its true condition, shall be recycled at the special recycling facility (see relevant sign on the battery label).

5,Pisargevskyy Street, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine