Current report no 5
dated 01.07.2011
Westa ISIC S.A.
Société anonyme
Registered office: 412F, route d’Esch, L-1471 Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 150.326
(the “Company”)
- Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached (including the issuer ID allocated by the CSSF) – Westa ISIC S.A. (E-0964)
- Identity of the notifier (if another person makes the notification on behalf of the issuer) – Oksana Mazurkevych
- Total number of shares composing the share capital of the notifying issuer – 44,133,333 shares
- Total number of voting rights attached to the shares composing the share capital of the notifying issuer, including the suspended voting rights – 44,133,333 shares (voting rights)
Individuals authorized to represent the Company :
Date Name Signature
1-07-2011 Oksana Mazurkevych Oksana Mazurkevych

5,Pisargevskyy Street, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine