Access to the ESPI system
Current report no. 1/2011
dated 17 June 2011.
The Board of Directors of WESTA ISIC S.A. (the "Company") informs that on 17 of June the Company has obtained an access to the Electronic System for Information Transmission (Elektroniczny System Przekazywania Informacji - ESPI). Starting from 17 of June, the Company provides its current and periodical information through ESPI.
Legal grounds: § 11.1 of the Rules of using Electronic System for Information Transmission (Regulamin korzystania z Elekronicznego Systemu Przekazywania Informacji - ESPI)
Date Name Signature
17-06-2011 Viktor Ostapenko Viktor Ostapenko

5,Pisargevskyy Street, 49005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine